
Тестовая страницы

{% if settings.collection_count.size > 0 %} {% assign collection_count = settings.collection_count %} {% else %} {% assign collection_count = 12 %} {% endif %} {% assign collection_on = false %} {% assign sort_on = false %} {% assign page_size_on = false %} {% assign collection_image_on = false %} {% if settings.collection_filter_on == '1' or settings.collection_filter_on == 'on' %} {% assign collection_on = true %} {% endif %} {% if settings.collection_sort_on == '1' or settings.collection_sort_on == 'on' %} {% assign sort_on = true %} {% endif %} {% if settings.collection_page_size_on == '1' or settings.collection_page_size_on == 'on' %} {% assign page_size_on = true %} {% endif %} {% if collection.current_characteristics.size > 0 or price_min or price_max or collection.current_option_values.size > 0 %} {% assign filter_selected = true %} {% endif %} {% if settings.collection_collection_image_on == '1' or settings.collection_collection_image_on == 'on' %} {% unless collection.image.original_url contains 'no_image' or filter.title.size > 0 %} {% assign collection_image_on = true %} {% capture collection_image_classes %}class="relative collection-preview-big m-b-50" style="background-image: url({{ collection.image | image_url: 1500 }});"{% endcapture %} {% endunless %} {% endif %} {% paginate products by collection_count %}

{% include 'breadcrumb' %} {% if collection_image_on == true %} {% include 'collection-title' %} {% endif %} {% include 'collection-sort' %} {% if collection_image_on == false %} {% include 'collection-title' %} {% endif %}
{% assign current_page_num = current_page | times: 1 %} {% unless current_page_num > 1 %} {% if settings.collection_short_description_place == 'before' %} {% if settings.collection_short_description_on == '1' or settings.collection_short_description_on == 'on' %} {% include 'collection-description' with 'short' %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if settings.collection_description_place == 'before' %} {% if settings.collection_description_on == '1' or settings.collection_description_on == 'on' %} {% include 'collection-description' with 'full' %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %}
{% include 'svg' with 'icon_close' %} {% include 'collection_filters' %}
{% if collection.products.size > 0 %} {% for product in collection.products %}
{% include 'product-item' %}
{% endfor %} {% elsif filter_selected %}
{{ messages.collection_filters_is_empty }}
{% else %}
{{ messages.collection_is_empty }}
{% endif %}
{% include 'pagination' %}
{% unless current_page_num > 1 %} {% if settings.collection_short_description_place == 'after' %} {% if settings.collection_short_description_on == '1' or settings.collection_short_description_on == 'on' %} {% include 'collection-description' with 'short' %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if settings.collection_description_place == 'after' %} {% if settings.collection_description_on == '1' or settings.collection_description_on == 'on' %} {% include 'collection-description' with 'full' %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %}

{% endpaginate %}

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